
Showing posts from June, 2020

Letting your child play

Letting your child play P laying  allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, physical and emotional strength. Through play the child engage and interact with the world around them. When your child plays, it gives her lots of different ways and times to learn . Its also assist with development of a healthy brain. Young  children  can  develop  many skills through the power of  play . They may  develop  their language skills, emotions, creativity and social skills.  Play helps  to nurture imagination and gives a  child  a sense of adventure. This  helps  them  develop  the ability to concentrate . Allow your child to spontaneously  play, to play unstructured, naturally, voluntary. Allow the child to initiate activity through her curiosity, love of discovery, and enthusiasm.

Respecting your work

work commitment  Count yourself lucky if you are still able to hold down your job and earning a salary, especially in this day and age. I know a few of people who have become jobless and yet they are qualified. Some are yet to loose their jobs as a result of the country's economy going under the bridge.  It may not be your dream job, but aslong as you are earning an income, you should respect it at all times.  There is nothing as horrible as waking up everyday hating what you do. Imagine spending 6/8/12 hours in an environment you can't stand being in. You end up hating people just because they are breathing. Your work performance is bound to drop, you end getting ill, unhealthy. You might aswell quit. No matter how much you rather be else where, never be disrespectful at work, you should always bare in mind that you can be replaceable easily.  Always maintain the status quo, be professional at all times. Never talk to your co-workers about being dissatisfied at work...