
I believe Co-parenting for single parents is the best thing for your children. Our mother's might have done a great job raising us as single parents but that does not make it "okay" .
I was raised by my loving mother, who would break her back just so i could have  best education, food, clothes and the finer things in life. My father's name was a taboo in the house. Till today I would not dare ask what happened between them.
I didn't really mind him not being there, because i never knew him really. He was none existence in our life and we did just fine without him. I knew his family but lost interest when they didn't come forward to be with us or to check up on us.

Funny thing was, when we met our father's friends and people who knew him they spoke highly of him. Appearantly, he was a "Blesser"! Travelled all over the world, spoke 12 languages, A very intelligent man. Pity, i didnt get to experience that with him. Nevertheless I never hated him. The love I received from my mother was just enough. But that was then, now I know better.
I applaud parents that take part in their children's life. Who not only pay school fees and maintaince money but also spend time with their children wheather it on monthly or weekly basics.
No matter what the parents have been through, maintaining respect for one another especially infront of your children will go along way.

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