
Letting your child play

Letting your child play P laying  allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, physical and emotional strength. Through play the child engage and interact with the world around them. When your child plays, it gives her lots of different ways and times to learn . Its also assist with development of a healthy brain. Young  children  can  develop  many skills through the power of  play . They may  develop  their language skills, emotions, creativity and social skills.  Play helps  to nurture imagination and gives a  child  a sense of adventure. This  helps  them  develop  the ability to concentrate . Allow your child to spontaneously  play, to play unstructured, naturally, voluntary. Allow the child to initiate activity through her curiosity, love of discovery, and enthusiasm.

Respecting your work

work commitment  Count yourself lucky if you are still able to hold down your job and earning a salary, especially in this day and age. I know a few of people who have become jobless and yet they are qualified. Some are yet to loose their jobs as a result of the country's economy going under the bridge.  It may not be your dream job, but aslong as you are earning an income, you should respect it at all times.  There is nothing as horrible as waking up everyday hating what you do. Imagine spending 6/8/12 hours in an environment you can't stand being in. You end up hating people just because they are breathing. Your work performance is bound to drop, you end getting ill, unhealthy. You might aswell quit. No matter how much you rather be else where, never be disrespectful at work, you should always bare in mind that you can be replaceable easily.  Always maintain the status quo, be professional at all times. Never talk to your co-workers about being dissatisfied at work...


LOVE... Love is an action word, "you do". The need to feel like your partner needs to do something to make you feel good is an indication that we are broken ourselves. We are looking for someone broken, to make us feel good about what we are yearning, whereas they, themselves are travelling through the journey of  life to make them feel good about their broken selves. We are a needy generation, and we are trying to feel our void with the wrong thing. Love serves. You do your part without expecting the same in return. You may be suprised that all your sowing will turn into something great that you never had in mind. Some enter the next relationship while they are still on the rebound. They enter while they are still broken and unsure if they are truly ready. When one is completely healed from the past, one is able to love without dragging the past into the current. There is no fun in not trusting in a relationship. Trying to find something wrong is an indication that...

Keeping Peace

MAINTAIN A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP WITH  YOUR PARTNER DURING LOCKDOWN Finding the right balance between connection and maintaining healthy boundaries is essential for a relationship during lockdown. Here’s what you should consider: Start with taking care of yourself In order to have fulfilling relationships with others, you’ll need to work on your relationship with yourself. These are some essential self-care tips: Validate your emotions: Lockdown can unleash a range of emotions, from frustration to stress and worry. Experience it all without imposing any judgment. What we resist persists, so acknowledging how you feel is the first step in dealing with a challenging emotional situation. Write down your thoughts: Spend at least 10 minutes each day journaling your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Meditate : This is an essential part of prioritising your mental health. Exercise: Structured physical activity releases endorphins that help manag...

Self Esteem

Lacking Self Esteem People with a low self esteem they also usually lack self confidence. They constantly feel bad about themselves. They feel unloved, awkward or incompetence. They will conclude that they are not worthy or that they are disapproved. They tend to be extra sensitive in everything and are very fragile.  While we all have times that we lack confident, but don't let it  becomes a long term problem. It can be destructive to our day to day behavior, also our mental health. Can lead to depression and anxiety and leave you feeling like a failure. In the long run, this can affect your life as a  whole because lack of self esteem re-reinforces your underlying doubts and fears.  Here are few ways to improve: ●Love yourself for who you are.     If you cannot change it. Live with it, embrace it. ●Recognize what you are good at.    Write it down. Re-affirm yourself  ●Be kind to yourself. ...


Paying off debts, start today. "Some debts are fun when you are acquiring, but none are fun when you set about retiring them" - Ogden Nash I remember when I took the first step to paying off my debts. I decided that I was too young to live a life full of debts. Month in and out I would just spend money anyhow. I had started working very young, no kids, no responsibility and staying on my own! I thought I lived my life to the fullest, now I know that it was a foolish way. I would open store accounts for clothes just to buy clothing for anyone, and to buy clothes that I didnot even need. Expensive too! I would eat out almost every day. I was living large-so to speak. "Living my life like its golden", I fooled myself. The problem started when I couldn't keep up. When I started taking unnecessary loans just so I  could buy pair of shoes. I  had to come to my senses. A friend of mine told me how she is paying off her debts, the "Snowball method...

The greatest experience.

MEDITATING... I started Max Meditation last year when my Goddesses and gods from Egypt came to visit South Africa. I had no experience didn't even know what to expect or how to act. Had been postponing this for years until I had no reason to.  I was going through some deep issues in my life, and this invitation came at the right time.  I finally decided that I needed something to free my thoughts.  I spent a lot of the time training my focus on breathing, body relaxation and thoughts. Great focus is needed as the feelings do not just stop wondering  but your aim is to focus, to feel, to listen.  I have learnt the benefits of Max Meditation. Its takes over your body, reduces stress and anxiety. Increases mental clarity and focus. Deals with emotional, intelligence and triggers the brain relaxation.  New Moons Max Meditation are the best!